To help you sort through their extensive offerings, I narrowed down the choices to a few basic and advanced wristwatch models, Bluetooth models, and the newer wearable technology each in an array of price points. To learn how HRMs work, recording capabilities and how they can help A-Fib patients monitor their heart rate, see Part 2 of this article: DIY Heart Rate Monitors: How They Work For A-Fib Patients (Part II). Other companies offering consumer ‘Sport’ Heart Rate Monitors include Timex, Garmin, Acumen, Nike, and Cardiosport plus a host of others if you shop around. (The first EKG accurate wireless heart rate monitor was invented by Polar back in 1977 as a training tool for the Finnish National Cross Country Ski Team.) You can view the extensive range of Polar products at their website,. Walter Kerwin, MD, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CAįor our quick start list go to Steve’s Top Picks: DIY Heart Rate Monitors for A-Fib Patients on Gold Standard brand for HRMs is Polar. Steve Ryan, PhD, provides a comprehensive guide for persons seeking to find a cure for their Atrial Fibrillation." "Within the pages of Beat Your A-Fib, Dr.

This is not an easy thing to do, but you have been very, very successful at it." You managed to combine an encyclopedic compilation of information with the simplicity of presentation that enhances the delivery of the information to the reader.

She loves it and finds it very useful to help her in dealing with atrial fibrillation." "Dear Steve, I saw a patient this morning with your book and highlights throughout. Professor of Cardiology, Haut-Lévêque Hospital, Bordeaux, France I certainly recommend it for patients who want to know more about atrial fibrillation than what they will learn from doctors." "This book is incredibly complete and easy-to-understand for anybody. "If I had 10 years ago, it would have saved me 8 years of hell.” Doctors & patients are saying about 'Beat Your A-Fib'.